Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Fear of the unknown

The way parents, teachers, and mentors talk about college makes it almost seem like a movie, some unreal thing that’s so far in the distant future. In fact, we get pounded with it so much in our early years it seems like a horror movie, it can be very daunting. For so long, it was so far away that I didn’t even have to worry about, now all of a sudden it starts tomorrow. I know what I’m going to do as far as my major, and I have all my credits already, so why am I so terrified. My college applications to UC Berkeley, UC Davis, Boston University and UNR are even complete; what could it be? It’s the fear of the unknown, or in other words not knowing what the future holds. It happens to all seniors I would like to think, since we have been forced to go to school since we were five, now we have to go out into the world and make something out of ourselves. Doing it yourself, which means nothing is guaranteed, I know I’ve worked hard for it and will continue to do so, but how will I know where I am going to be next year. That’s terrifying to me, since I have many opportunities available that could see me end up at home, in California, or even in Boston for god’s sake. Would I don’t make the right decision either? What if I get to a place where I can’t function in the environment or the situation just isn’t right? Nevertheless, I have never been more excited for what is to come and to start my life, it is just very daunting at this time.   

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