Monday, September 30, 2013


Hello, the very small, at least I’d like to think its small, audience to my very own little entity within the internet, my blog. This blog has been assigned to me as an assignment for my AP English Literature class in school; an assignment that has been dubbed as a practice of exercising and expressing one’s true genius, or brilliance if you will. Often times this is not the case, actually most of the time this is not the case even a little bit. I sit in front of my computer with nothing to write about, and the first thing that comes to my mind is often the things that seem to irritate me in my day-to-day affairs, which obviously would mean nothing to an audience of people that doesn’t even know who I am. I actually get a break once a week luckily because we have to talk about something we are doing in English at that very time, as you may have noticed. This makes it easy, I just talk about things I like or don’t like, or don’t understand, or simply things that just seem to peak interest. The other days, however, are very mediocre. On a majority of the days, it seems that I just start typing random things and eventually an idea vests itself into something my peers can actually enjoy, although I view it as my worst writing ever. So, as a message to my audience, however many of you there are out there, bear with me; I am well aware my writing is mediocre, thank you for sticking around this long.

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